An archive section all on its own. This will throw open any and all examples that haven’t been covered in any of the other vault items. It may well be a potpourri of nonsense, unrelated projects and surprises. At the time of writing this I’m not sure what I’ll include but I’m sure it’ll be entertaining and fun. So starting with these showreels:
I found this Archive showreel (Parts 1 & 2) that featured the lovely Chris Sandford. It’s a varied collection of stuff, songs, jingles and instrumentals that, at the time, I felt worth distributing on whatever media could take it. Most practical were the trusty audio cassettes. I had to break it up into two parts here as the upload couldn’t take the weight. Bring back tape I say!
Then I decided to include the two TV and radio reels I originally released on The Cooke Files, my legendary showreel. Seemed to go down well at the time. There are some familiar favourites here including Chris Tarrant’s Capital radio jingles.
I found this video clip of my first Eurovision appearance with the lovely Terry Wogan. The suit is a work of art and the hair quite magnificent.