I love writing songs. It was the thing that kicked it all off. I suppose I enjoyed the process rather than the thought of scribbling a massive hit. Although I wouldn’t have minded having one of those early on.
I guess this page is the perfect platform to include songs that I’ve written and co-written over the years. I don’t really want or need to throw lists of impressive names here and there.
Sadly gone are the days when songwriting produced a reasonable income and with the game changer that is streaming we’re now left with an activity that for most people produces nothing financially and is a creative hobby rather than a profession. We dream on but meanwhile……
The First two here are songs I wrote with Jem and then produced in the studio with her. Great energy here.
Where you are was written by me and Cliff and he performed this on many occasions at concerts and events. This version was with a lovely string quartet and piano.
Resonsible I wrote with the magnifcent Maggie Ryder and this version is with Ruby Turner.
I was in Love featured on Jem’s first album : “I am Jem Cooke” and became a hit when we were working in Germany.
Straight Talk was co-written with Paul Field and fetured the excellent and very undervalued Mark Williamson.
Rescued for a reason was the opening track on Paul’s Building Bridges Album and my token nod to Steeley Dan certainly in groove if nothing else.
Glendaloch was a track on Rebbecca Storm’s Ireland By Storm Album and I included this because the feel is so nice.